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AJA is committed to making Christ-centered education available to all families no matter their economic situation. We are partnered with the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program, which allows students who meet certain eligibility criteria to attend AJA at no cost of tuition or registration charge. You can find out more about this program by going to our "WPCP" page.
AJA offers a robust financial aid program for families who do not reach the eligibility requirements to participate in WPCP but are still struggling to commit to a high monthly tuition cost. Check out our grid to see if your family qualifies for financial aid:
Christ-Centered Education for All
Current Tuition Rates
Registration Fee
Registration fee $60 per student, non-refundable.
2024-25 Tuition Rates
Kindergarten: $3,500
Grades 1-8: $4,100
Grades 9-10: $4,725
Make checks payable to Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy (or AJA)
Returned check fee: $35.00
Due Dates: 15th of the month
Tuition Discounts
Annual, Full Pay: 3% Discount
Multi-Family Discount: $150 per additional child
Financial Aid Grid

Click chart to expand
Click above button for an application example.
Use tuition rate and chart on this page to calculate.
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