On January 25, AJA will be participating in the church service. The AJA praise band will lead out in the praise sing portion of the service, and the scripture reading and congregational prayer will be done by AJA students.
Monday, February 3 is the opening date for applications for the Wisconsin School Choice program. All students currently in the choice program as well as any new applicant to the program must submit an application to the state for the 2025-2026 school year. Current choice students are automatically eligible for the 2025-2026 school year as long as they did not drop out of the program anytime during the 2024-2025 school year, however, a new application still must be submitted to the state. New students to the program must meet the criteria set by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The links for this and further information will be available on this website on February 3 under the ADMISSIONS menu and the WPCP button. Please be sure to apply early!